Fitness Therapy Small Group PT

8-Weeks To Jump-Start Your Fitness Goals

Are you new to exercise, unsure where to begin, what exercises to include, or workouts to follow? 

Are you returning to exercise after a long break, or lack confidence when exercising in a gym?

If so, welcome to the 8-Week Beginners Fitness programme.

Perfect Start to Your Health & Fitness Goals

As a personal trainer and massage therapist in Basingstoke; I believe the best approach to improve fitness is to increase your confidence and movement when exercising.

For many though a Small group PT is a great opportunity to those unable to commit to regular one on e one sessions. The added advantage is meeting, working along side and supporting other members in a similar goals.  

With a maximum of four in each group, you’ll work through a series of workshop inspired classes to learn the “how” of exercising, with plenty of opportunity to practice and in engrain foundational exercises.

This programme builds on this, by developing a movement mindset from which you are able to increase fitness and intensity safely.

Consider this as the start of your journey, during which you’ll have developed your confidence, fitness to progress to whole new levels.

Your Beginners Programme - What to Expect

  • Use of the FitCoach App
  • Gym / Home based training programme
  • Use of The Fit Coach App
  • Supplementary M.A.D programme to activate muscles, increase flexibility and flexibility (tap here for more)
  • In-app support and messaging & group Chat
  • Step-by-step video instructions
  • Session-by-session monitoring and feedback
  • Regular “Check-ins” to review goals and milestones
  • Inclusive support material to improve a healthy training mindset

Lets Chat

Need to arrange a call or raring to go and wish to arrange a consultation. Whichever suits you – complete the form below and I’ll get back to you within 24 hours.